Sunday, June 19, 2011

God is Faithful

Sometimes, when you are in the midst of well, anything, you get wrapped up in the immediate situation. Whether it be good or bad. The path that God has us on is a little more difficult than I had planned. This place makes me anxious and out of control feeling. But I think I am catching on that I am not in control. Life isn't about me. (although I make it that way alot)

Our lives need to be simplified. I have found that my house is too big for me. We have gotten rid of alot of things and are down sizing the amount of the house we use. (we live in my grandpas farm house for a good deal right now) We are doing our best to live below what most families consider to be ok. We are saying "no" to many things to save money, that we really don't have anyways. :) Our garden has fed us most of our meals for the past two weeks!! I have found that since we have downsized on everything, My time for my kids has expanded and been enhanced. My attitude is changing as well as the rest of the families attudes.

God has really been working on us as a family. It has not been easy, but that doesn't mean it is bad. I may be a homemaker, but that doesn't mean I have to be what the world expects me to be, believe me I don't fit in that mold. I am rememorizing Romans 12. It is a chapter in the Bible that seems to be simple directions for life. So it has been a while since I posted, but that is ok. God is working on me in a major way, so it may be a while before I post again. God is so Faithfull, and I am being amazed everyday.